We swim for good times!®


Good Times

Request from OHB - PLEASE READ

Please read this entire post. We were asked to pass this message along.

I ask that all our families be good custodians of the OHB facilities and be considerate of other users. We are very lucky to be able to swim here.

The one item that is new is the restriction on food and drink. I know that some families are here for extended periods of time, and many families and coaches bring snacks and meals to the pool. We are no longer allowed to do so. Please bring only water into the facility. No other drinking and no food is allowed in the Rec Center. This restriction includes our upcoming special events. Please carry our traditional Turkey Mile and Santa Splash treats outside the building before eating and drinking.

Thank you, FUF families! I know I can count on you all.

-Jeanie Neal


Brandy Gustoff

11:35 AM (36 minutes ago)

to thor@inspireswimfit.com, Thor, me


I am hoping this email can be passed on to everyone who uses the swimming pool as I only have your two email addresses. 

We are finding a lot of people coming to the pool for practice or lessons is speeding through our parking lots. This is obviously a big safety concern as we have so many people walking and out and about on our campus. Speeding was the prime reason we added the speed bumps, but now we are finding people slow for those and then hit the gas. 

We are asking everyone to do a better job of picking up after themselves and to keep all food and drink, beyond water, outside of the Rec Center. Dirty diapers should always be thrown in a trashcan and not on the floor or counter, as well when floors are swept this should be thrown out in a trashcan. All of this will cut down on the cleanup our janitorial staff have to do. 

We are sending this email out to everyone who uses the Rec Center and/or does other things on campus so please don't think we are blaming or isolating this as a swimming people issue. 

Have a happy, safe and relaxing Thanksgiving if you celebrate! 

Thanks much!


Please note I recognize each of us work in different ways and I respect your time. While I have sent this email at a time convenient for me, I do not expect you to read, respond or take action on this outside your normal work hours.




Brandy Gustoff, MS, MPA

Chief Operating Officer



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