We swim for good times!®


Good Times

We swam for good times! Weeks 5 & 6 Recap


Thank you all for a great week of swimming. Check out the video.


IT SNOWED! It’s time to review the Weather Page.

We are using the front door again! Please enter and exit the facility using the front door on the south side of the building under the awning. The back door opening directly onto the deck will be locked.

Winter Registration is open to the public.

Session Pages: Jeanie Neal Winter Lessons & Shelby Schultz Winter Lessons

Look Ahead: Developmental (25 Club) / Voyager Practice Plan & F.A.S.T. Swimming Page

Events: It’s time to register for the October Splash Meet.

More important stuff:

·      Use our FUF Lesson Swap facebook page to post your swaps and look for available lessons.

·      During the times that Coach Shelby and I have the whole OHB pool to ourselves, families are encouraged to Practice and Play. Please pay before you swim. The cost is $5 per visit for the whole family. Parents can swim laps during their children’s swimming lesson and then play with the kids for an additional half hour after the lesson.

Developmental / Voyagers – Skill Sheet (Review Weeks 1-4)

Q. Three tips for a fast freestyle finish:
A. Touch the wall on a full stroke, on your side, underwater.

Q. Tips for a fast butterfly or breaststroke finish:
A. Touch the wall on a full stroke, with two hands, underwater.

Q. Breaststroke Progression: What are the first three steps in the FUF breaststroke progression?
A. 1. Starfish (elementary backstroke), 2. Starfish kick-only, 3. Two kicks on back, two kicks on front, 4. From a streamline position on front – two kicks, take a breath, two kicks, take a breath… 5. Two kicks, take a stroke, two kicks, take a stroke… 6. Full breaststroke

Q. Why do we follow this progression when learning breaststroke?
A. Because it’s important to be balanced before you try to swim fast.

Q. What is the oldest stroke?
A. Breaststroke

Q. What are the two styles of breaststroke kick?
A. Frog kick and whip kick

Q. Which style of breaststroke kick is the fastest?
A. Whip kick

Q. What is our funny way to remember how to do a whip kick?
A. Keep your knees in the “weewee” position at the start of your breaststroke kick

Q. When do you put your arms in a streamline position when practicing diving from the side?
A. Right before you go in the water (When you bend over to get into your starting position, your arms should be hanging at your sides.)

Q. What happens when you look at the water when you dive in?
A. It will SMACK you right in the face!

Q. When you are in your starting position to dive from side, should your head be higher, or should your rear end be higher?
A. Your rear end should be sticking up high, and your head should be way down by the water. (upside down)

Breaststroke Progression & Finishes Videos


Instructional 1. Balance 2. Propulsion 3. Stroke patterns

Face-Up First