We swim for good times!®

April Splash

Meet Documents

April Splash at OHB

Saturday, April 26, 2025

5:30 PM

Registration Deadline

Friday, April 18 at 7:00 PM

This event is limited to 30 currently registered Face-Up First lesson swimmers.

ENTRY FEE:  $12 per swimmer There are no refunds.

ORDER OF EVENTS (Maximum of three events per swimmer)

Event 1 – 100 yard Freestyle
Event 2 – 25 yard Tadpole/Starfish (Elementary Backstroke)
Event 3 – 50 yard Backstroke
Event 4 – 25 yard Backstroke
Event 5 – 25 yard Breast or Fly
Event 6 – 50 yard Freestyle
Event 7 – 25 yard Freestyle


  1. Wyatt Ping - 7 - events 2, 4, 7

  2. Violet Coffey, 7, events 2, 4, 7

  3. Eve-Marie Ulrich (6)
    Events 2,4,7

  4. Edward Murgatroyd, Events 2, 4, & 7

  5. Ford Prange, age 6
    Events 2, 4, 7

  6. Saylor Padgett - 6 - 2,4,7

  7. Sloan Padgett - 9 - events 3,5,7


Registration is a two step process.
1. Complete the form below and submit.
2. Use the payment button to pay your entry fees of $12 per swimmer.